Drone Photography
Diaz Lake, a graben along the Owens Valley fault system
Trona Pinnacles
Trona Pinnacles
Rock glacier at North Lake
Lone Pine fault scarp
Trona Pinnacles
Castle in Clay, a butte composed of Tecopa Lake sediments near Shoshone, California
Buttermilk Boulders
Grandpa and Grandma Peabody Boulders
Joints in Bishop Tuff, Volcanic Tableland
Happy Boulders area, Volcanic Tableland
Busy day at the Happy Boulders
Owens River and Chalk Bluffs
Faults cutting the Volcanic Tableland
Sag pond along Owens Valley fault east of Independence
Alabama Hills and Sierran crest
Shorelines of drying Owens Lake
Vertical joints, Alabama Hills
Alabama Hills
Vertical joints, Alabama Hills
Alluvial channels, Tecopa Lake beds
1872 fault scarp, Lone Pine fan
Enigmatic welded tuff east of Shoshone
Tecopa lake beds
Horseshoe bend in Mojave RIver, Afton Canyon
Eroded sediments, Afton Canyon
Searles Lake beds
Searles Lake beds, Poison Canyon
Independence dikes near Poison Canyon
Mojave River bed near Hinkley
Mojave River at Mojave Narrows, Victorville
Red Hill cinder cone
Clem Nelson Peak
Papoose Flat, Inyo Mountains
Wigged-out Poleta Formation, Poleta Canyon
Mine dump, Poleta Canyon
Syncline in Poleta Formation, Little Poleta area
Upturned sandstone on Mt. Hillers laccolith, Henry Mountains, Utah
Abandoned meanders, Owens River
Upturned sandstone on Mt. Hillers laccolith, Henry Mountains, Utah
Owens Valley and Owens Valley Station of the White Mountain Research Center
Owens River
Fish Springs cinder cone
North flank of Obsidian Dome
Sheep and Piute Mountains
Mono Lake and Panum Crater
Panum Crater
Inyo Craters and Deer Mountain
Glass Creek Flow
Hilton Creek fault
Hilton Creek fault
Hilton Creek fault
Hilton Creek fault
Owens Gorge looking south
Rosette jointing in Owens Gorge
Mammoth Mountain, Horseshoe Lake, and carbon dioxide tree kill
Hot Creek gorge
Hot Creek
Fold in Reed Formation, Devil's Gate
Obsidian Dome