Announcing “Petrology and Plate Tectonics: An Earth Systems Approach” by Glazner & Kohn

Matt Kohn and I are happy to announce that our book is scheduled to be available from Oxford University Press for the spring semester. Read on if you are interested in a new way to teach about the solid Earth.


Petrology and Plate Tectonics: An Earth Systems Approach offers a new way to teach igneous and metamorphic petrology to undergraduate Earth Science majors. It discards the ubiquitous “Part I: Igneous, Part II: Metamorphic” organization and instead presents petrology from an earth systems viewpoint, using plate tectonics as its unifying theme, making recurrent use of geochronology and isotope geochemistry to solve petrologic problems, and emphasizing links among the deep Earth, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

As an example of this new structure, after discussing generation of basalt at mid-ocean ridges we dive into metamorphic reactions that hydrate oceanic crust and mantle. For subduction zones, we present origins of high-P/low-T rocks first, then discuss magma generation. Discussion of plutonism is followed by a chapter on contact metamorphism, hydrothermal systems, and thermochronology.

Other points:

  •  We use an inductive approach, motivating study of a topic (e.g., phase equilibria or the Sr isotope system) as a way to solve problems, rather than the standard deductive approach in which early chapters are devoted to a survey of principles, which may or may not be used in later chapters.

  • Key isotope systems, particularly Sr and O, are used repeatedly to solve problems ranging from dating geologic events to determining the source of geothermal waters in Iceland.

  • Links between petrology and other disciplines and pursuits (e.g., paleoclimatology, archaeology, economic geology, materials science, life in extreme environments, rock climbing, art and literature) are highlighted in Making Connections boxes.

  • Classification is deemphasized.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Plate Tectonics and Petrology

1.1 Distribution of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Topography on Earth

1.2 The Range of Magmatism on Earth: The Basalt-Rhyolite Spectrum

1.3 Earth Systems and Holistic Petrology

1.4 Petrology and Tectonic Setting

1.5 The Terminology of Petrology

1.6 Lithosystems

1.7 A Final Note

Chapter 2 Raw Materials: Formation of the Earth

2.1 Formation of the Solar System and Earth

2.2 Meteorites

2.3 Age of the Earth

2.4 Sources of Heat

2.5 Supernovas, Kilonovas, and the Elements

2.6 Gross Structure of the Earth

2.7 Temperature and Pressure in the Earth

2.8 The Lithosphere

2.9 The Earth Then and Now

Connections: Where Does Lithium Come From?

Connections: Earth's Thermostat: The Carbonate-Silicate Cycle

Chapter 3 Mid-Ocean Ridges and Production of Oceanic Crust

3.1 The Mid-Ocean Ridge Network

3.2 Ophiolites and the Seismic Structure of Oceanic Crust

3.3 Melting and Generation of Magma

3.4 Thermodynamics of Melting and Other Phase Transitions

3.5 Melting Peridotite

3.6 Chemographic Diagrams and Mass Balance

3.7 Upwelling and Melting

3.8 Sr-Isotope Geochemistry of Oceanic Ridges

Connections: Serpentine Soils

Chapter 4 How Rocks Melt and How Melts Crystallize

4.1 Eutectic Melting: Forsterite-Diopside as a Model of the Mantle

4.2 Olivine and Orthopyroxene: Peritectic Melting

4.3 Crystal Fractionation

4.4 Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Clinopyroxene: The Ternary System

4.5 What Controls the Composition of the First Liquid Produced?

4.6 Types of Basalt: The Basalt Tetrahedron

4.7 Forsterite-Diopside-Quartz at Higher Pressure

4.8 Iron and Reality: The Olivine System

4.9 The AFM Diagram and Calc-Alkaline Trend

Connections: The Steel Phase Diagram

Chapter 5 Metamorphism and Hydration of Oceanic Lithosphere

5.1 The Earth’s Deep Water Cycle

5.2 Hydrothermal Systems at Mid-Ocean Ridges

5.3 Metamorphic Facies

5.4 Geochemical Evidence for the Source of Water in Hydrothermal Systems

5.5 Massive Sulfide Deposits

5.6 The Next 100 Million Years or So

Connections: Asbestos

Connections: Hydrothermal Systems, Serpentine, and Deep Life

Chapter 6 Subduction and the Formation of Blueschists and Magmas

6.1 Subduction Zones

6.2 Lithosystems Associated with Subduction Zones

6.3 The Nature of Subduction and Plate-Driving Forces

6.4 Anatomy of Subduction Zones

6.5 Thermal Structure of Subduction Zones

6.6 Melting in the Presence of Water

6.7 Generation of Magma in Subduction Zones

Connections: Porphyry Copper Deposits

Chapter 7 Volcanism and the Spectrum of Igneous Activity on Earth

7.1 The Spectrum of Volcanic Activity

7.2 Volcanic Explosivity Index

7.3 Physical Properties of Magma

7.4 Products of Volcanoes

7.5 Magma Transport in the Crust

7.6 A Survey of Volcanic Styles and Landforms

7.7 Links between Volcanism and Climate

Connections: Volcanism, Art, and Literature

Connections: Silicic Supereruptions and Ecosystems

Chapter 8 Origins of Magmatic Diversity

8.1 Crystal-Liquid Separation During Crystallization

8.2 Magma Mixing, Assimilation, Partial Melting, and Other Processes

8.3 Generation and Crystallization of Silicic Magma

Connections: Popsicles: A Sweet Example of Partial Melting

Chapter 9 Tools for Probing Magma Origin and Evolution

9.1 Trace Elements

9.2 Principles of Trace Element Variation

9.3 Trace Elements and Tectonic Setting

9.4 Isotopes and Petrogenesis

9.4 Mass Balance And The Crustal Paradox

9.5 “Evolution” in Igneous Systems

Connections: Obsidian Sourcing and Trade Routes

Chapter 10 Plutons and How They Form

10.1 Plutons, Batholiths, and Intrusive Suites

10.2 Field Aspects of Plutonic Rocks

10.3 Origin and Evolution of Granitic Magma

10.4 Magma Ascent and Arrest

10.5 Modes of Magma Ascent

10.6 The Room Problem

10.7 Incremental Emplacement

10.8 Annealing and Recrystallization in Plutons

10.9 Relationships Between Plutonic and Volcanic Rocks

Connections: Rock Climbing

Connections: Countertop Granites

Chapter 11 Contact Metamorphism, Hydrothermal Systems, and Thermochronology

11.1 Contact Metamorphism

11.2 Thermal Evolution of Pluton Aureoles

11.3 Isograds and the Metamorphic Evolution of Pluton Aureoles

11.4 Incremental Emplacement of Large Plutons

11.5 Skarns: Reaction Between Magma and Wall Rocks

11.6 Hydrothermal Systems Around Intrusions

11.7 Thermochronology and the Meaning of Isotopically Determined Ages

Connections: Cement Production and Anthropogenic CO2

Connections: Hydrothermal Systems and DNA Sequencing

Chapter 12 Making Continents: Continental Collision, Accretion, and Regional Metamorphism

12.1 Plate Motions, Orogens, and Metamorphism

12.2 Continental Geotherms

12.3 P-T Predictions from Thermal Models

12.4 Metamorphic Reactions

12.5 Mineral Assemblage Diagrams

12.6 Petrochronology and Fabrics: Putting Time on the P-T Path

12.7 Igneous Activity in Collisional Orogens

Connections: Collisions and Climate


Chapter 13 Continental Rifting and Magmatism

13.1 Continental Rifts

13.2 Fault Styles and Magma Emplacement in Continental Rifting

13.3 Rifting and Melting

13.4 Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle

13.5 Mantle Samples Brought Up by Alkaline Rocks

13.6 Alkaline Magmatism

13.7 Controls on the Compositions of Alkaline Magmas

13.8 Metamorphic Rocks in Extensional Terranes

Connections: Hominids and the East African Rift Valley

Connections: Shaken, Not Stirred--Limnic Eruptions and Their Fatal Consequences

Chapter 14 Intraplate Magmatism, Hotspots, and Large Igneous Provinces

14.1 Hotspots and Their Tracks

14.2 Mantle Plumes

14.3 Mantle Reservoirs

14.4 Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)

14.5 Layered Mafic Intrusions

14.6 Impacts

Connections: Ocean Island Basalts and Polynesian Migrations

Connections: Siberian Traps and the End-Permian Extinction

Chapter 15 What's Next?

15.1 Whence Petrology?

15.2 Some Outstanding Problems in Petrology and Plate Tectonics

15.3 Epilogue


Going to the Grand Canyon