Death Valley
Track on ripples
Paleozoic strata, Funeral Mountains
Dunes and Thimble Peak
Ripples and sharp dune crests
Busy night on the dunes
Artist's Palette
Rain on Copper Canyon turtleback
Dry creek on salt pan
Fallout tephra near Little Hebe Crater
Grotto Canyon fan
Hall Canyon granite and Telescope Peak
The Grandstand at the Racetrack
Panamint Butte
Natural Bridge
Thrust fault and capping basalts, Panamint Butte
Breccia, Titus Canyon
Mesquite Dunes
The Grandstand in shadow, Racetrack playa
Rocks waiting for a ride, Racetrack playa
Ubehebe Crater
Marble near ladder in Mosaic Canyon, mostly buried now
Death Valley and Black Mountains from Aguereberry Point
Pencil cleavage
Sandstorm bearing down on Furnace Creek
Marble breccia, Mosaic Canyon
Multiple events in a debris flow
Halite filaments, Devils Golf Course
Telescope Peak from Badwater
On Ventifact Ridge
Breccia, Titus Canyon
Gullied fault surface near Artists Drive